PHI Devotional – Celebrating God's Faithfulness

A collection of daily devotionals from a variety of Contributors at Pro-Health International


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“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 KJV).

READ Matthew 5:14, 15; John 1:4-5

As a true believer you are the light of the world, whatever you do will attract attention. You cannot have the character of a believer and not show it. The place of character in our Christian walk is most vital and cannot be over emphasized. In fact, the heart beat of God is for His children to conform to His image. Christian character is what makes you count and be relevant in life. A man’s worth and the perception of people about him are determined by his character.

Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared, but only men of godly character are valued. It is character that tells people to trust you or not to trust you. Charisma will take you far in any field of life, but only character will sustain your position. If you do not want to lose colour in life, then you must add Christian character to your charisma.

Finally, character is like glass, even a little crack shows. A man’s beauty and attraction in life is a function of his character. Your character is the essence of what you are and it is what you have left when you have lost everything.


Father I ask for grace to have a godly character that portrays You always, in Jesus name. Amen.

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